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来源:2exam.com 2013-8-6 13:52:57



This table shows the traffic accidents from Jan. to June 1985 in China. We can see from it that traffic accidents are becoming such a serious problem that more and more people are injured or killed.

  As is shown in the table, from Jan. to June, a total of 94,670 people were injured and 2,827 people were killed. We can find that traffic accidents have been on the increase all the time. In Jan., there were only 13,905 people injured while in June the number went up to 17,151. In Jan., there were only 230 people were killed, but in June, the number increased to 700.

  The rise in traffic accidents may result from the rising number of automobiles. There are more and more vehicles running on roads, but roads have not been widened. Another important reason is owing to the carelessness of drivers who drive after drinking or to the unwillingness to make way for the other side. Since traffic accidents have already become a threat to people’s lives and properties, it is urgent for the authorities to take effective means to bring the traffic problem under control. They may invest in widening old roads or building new roads and on the other hand they should advocate observing traffic regulations among people.

  This table shows us the average family income and expenses in U.S in 1980 and 1985 by

  clearly listing out the numbers and percentages of them.

  In 1980, the average family income in U.S was $12,000. In 1985, it increased to $16,000. In 1980, the housing, and medical expenses occupied 18%, 25%, and 10% of the total income respectively.

  The entertainment expenses and savings were 7% and 5% individually. Expenses on others were 35%. Compared with 1980, in 1985, the first three items of the expenses increased by 4%, 7%, and 2% respectively, while entertainment expenses and savings remained the same. Besides, expenses on others decreased by 13%.

  From the table, we can draw the conclusion that with the increase of income, people’s life will be better, for people can afford to eat better food, live in better houses, and enjoy better medical care.

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